Development Timeline
Here are my updates I had for the game. Mainly just imoprant notes.
Week 1
Thinking of what game I wanted to do. This also when the two game jam we have I honestly just used these to make my game through out the whole time. Was going to make something like Monkey quest at first.
Week 2
Created the first version of the capstone uinty file. As I did also test out using Zbrush models for my game. Along with creating a simple code that turns one object into another. Seen in the pitch deck.
Week 3
Lost my first game project this week becuase I just forget to copy it over so I can work at it druing uni. Becuase of this I just created another unity project.
Week 4
This was the week I made the UI and Ghosts(Abeo) putting them into the second game model that I haven’t lost yet.
Week 5
This was yarnsprinner week. I have dowload it but yet to put into the game for reason. But I made a test running a test diagloue show in the pitch deck.
Week 6
Setting up the new project once more this time getting my github up and working. third time the charm. Lost second one becuase of an USB error.
Week 7
I got sick druing the time we need to do the pitch deck so I end up recording this video below
Week 8
This was adding in models into the game. which are the fences ones.
Week 9
First NPC was made and added into the game
Week 10
This was the texturing week as I just made a lot of texutres
Week 11
This was a lot of adding. Added Player and coding for the player animation. Creating dialgoue code. Cleaning up a bit.
Week 12
This is the last week aka when I put up everything onto the webstite.
Week 13
Getting back from a break as I didn’t do much in touching my game file for a long time so I just started making more models.
Week 14
Same thing as week 13 but creating textures
Week 15
Creating the npcs in the town level made 4 main ones which would have the quest lines in them. and also made a bouns npc
Week 16
Fencing. Just laying out this took so long
Week 17
Creating and laying out how I’m going to add the models but it was mainly justadding in the trees into it but along with models and stuff
Week 18
Finally finshing putting a lot of everything into the town level. add adding textures and stuff to it. so it looks all nice
Week 19
I felt like shit that I haven’t done much so I went and just redid my menu adding a logo UI and stuff becuase I felt sad.
Random Things
IDK where to add these. these are updates but i’m just going to put these random things here.
Had a big spook as my D drive died quite horriblely lucky I didn’t lost anything as I had back ups. This happen on sunday at the end of week ten.