Game Summary
Waking up a strange vision of a child that wears a hat fills your vision. Task with finding her you find yourself in a strange area. Taking on quests from the strange villagers it seems there a lot more to this place than you first thought. With that child who wears that hat connected to it all.
I have a couple games that I’ve taken for inspiration for making my own. Along with one of my personal projects. For the personal project one of the side characters is the player character. Along with some terms from it.
This also connected to the annotated bibliorapgy I made for my Thoery and Context work.
Games I have taken Inspiration from
Using this game as a level design reference. along with the unique psychedelic style it has.
Referencing the game for how it breaks down it heavy themes. Along with how it written for the story it is telling.
This is mainly for the game quests and how they work. As that the style I want my quest in my game to have.
This is an art style refence as I like how ugly and psychedelic it looks and want to use that in my own game.
Medium style for how the NPC look in the game along with how the quests work in this game.
Player Experience
My goal is to create a game that is fun to play. Having the narrtive that is enjoyable and makes sense. This game is desgin for PC as one will need a Mouse and Keyboard to play.
Development Software
For this these are the softwares I will be using to create my game for my capstone project are these.
- Unity (Editor 2021.3.21f1)
- Maya
- Subject Painter
- Krita
- Visual Studio
- Yarn Spinner
3D Adventure game with elements of Puzzle games and Visual Novel games.
Target Audience
I would like my target audience be the genreal audience. Though if I could aim around for an Everyone 10+ rating I will be happy. As this game is desgin for more causal players and younger one.